Saturday, November 17, 2012

Darrien celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 16 November 2012. In Miri. He had his first birthday in Sibu. Then, a nice second birthday celebration in Kuching. Covering all the Sarawak major cities. Next year, most probably in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.

Since early morning, Wife made him three big, red colored eggs.

Son was very excited and he happily peeled off the hard-boiled eggs with Wife. Son is a good egg eater and for the record, he did eat five eggs at one go. With the five yolks inside my stomach.

When we went to see him at his 2-month attachment in Tadika Sinaran Montessori, Piasau Garden, he was surprised and leapt with joy. Birthday goodies were given to his classmates. Everyone was seated down. Miss Sim, his class teacher was very kind to decorate a room with birthday theme. Complete with a big "Happy Birthday" banner. The Principal, Miss Voon lighted the Elmo birthday cake.

Miss Sim with Son's classmates
After birthday song was sung, Son cut his cake.

The children were very cooperative. They had their Sesame Street's characters' cupcakes, with colourful icings all over their mouth.

It's not a trumpet, Son!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Son!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jacob's first haircut

Before haircut

Jacob had his first haircut earlier of the week. Like his Gogo, Gong Gong cut his hair.

I never asked my parents whether I had hair shaven before when I was a baby. But according to Wikipedia and Babycenter, Chinese babies are shaved to shed the 'birth hair', considered hair grown in the womb.

Jacob's hair is soft but less than Darrien's when he's at Jacob's current age.

After haircut

Well, being an example, Gogo just had to clean the floor after the haircut session.

Daddy, you're showing my neng neng to the world?

Jacob is baptized

With God's grace, Jacob was baptized by Father Justin, at the age of 44 days. His godfather is Mr. Frederick.

Holy water was poured over Jacob's forehead and white cloth was put over his body.

Peter said in Book of Acts

 "Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off–for all whom the Lord our God will call."

May St. Jacob of Nisibis watches over him and guides him through the Lord's path.

To celebrate the memorable occasion, Wife bought a nice 1.5kg cake from the Hot Cross Bun bakery.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Daddy says..

Look at the camera. Smile!

34-day old Jacob and 2 years 9 months Darrien

 Good boys. Now turn to your right and smile!

Good boys. Obedient boys. Daddy says turn to your left and smile.

Gogo Darrien, turn to your left!

No! We must have our own principles.

Alright then, boys. Look at me and show your most beautiful smiles.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3 - Day 16

Wife entrusted the honour of giving Baby his first bath to me. Err.. Let's just say that I didn't fill up to expectation. My mother-in-law showed me the proper way of giving bath to baby.

Day 3 after bath, with Big Brother at his side
Day 4
Posing with Jacob. Baby was having jaundice. Serum bilirubin went up to 12.8 the highest. By day 14, the analyte level when down to 11.6.
Daddy, hands off my head.
Day 8
Day 15
Sibling rivalry? Oh yes, of course! Big Brother is showing jealousy but as days passed, he is more willing to share his love for his younger brother.

Day 16

Hello, Jacob Gabriel Law

Wife gave birth by C-section after being adviced by her gynaecologist on 8.8.2012. Auspicious day? Not exactly. Date was set by the specialist and she was ushered into the operating theater on the specified day. At 9.10 am, with God' grace, our second Son was born.

4 hours old
Day 2
Day 2 + 4 hours
After staying in the hospital for 53 hours, it was almost time to be discharged. Baby looked yellowish. The great staff at the unit put him under UV light.

Day 2 + 5 hours

Monday, July 23, 2012

July's Report Card

Introducing Teacher Maya

We anticipate Son's report card every month. We love to see how he has progressed. Pictures that were taken in his school. Comments written by his teacher. His numerous colouring works.

Teacher Maya's comment.

True enough, Son still cannot sit still. One active boy he is.

Teachers' Day and Naughty Son

Teachers' Day was held in Son's Taska in late May. Wife made over 70 cupcakes for the children and of course, the teachers. It's quite simple but we went through some trial and error.

Hot from Oven. Very nicely baked and fluffy
The topping had to be made fresh else, it would end up too hard or too dry. Wife woke up at around 5 something to prepare the creamy sweet stuff.

Off you all to the Taska!

Son has been mischievous again.

Biting off chocolate off the birthday cake
Lifting his T-shirt in the public
Hurting himself in the shopping mall

Friday, May 18, 2012

Second Monthly Report Card

For the month of April 2012, Son is learning fast. He can recognize alphabet A. B, C, D, E and F though his teacher, Teacher Maya had taught till alphabet J. 

It does surprise us that he's actually learning a lot at the Taska. However, he picks up bad habits of hitting us, showing his 'Big Gun' using his arms and spitting when he gets angry.

His colouring gets less messy. It's more 'localized' and shows more patterns. He actually insists of bringing his own colour pencils every morning to Taska.

We drew a leaf and asked him to colour it. He could colour the object within its boundary!

Son is growing up fast. We're looking forward to next month's report card.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Porkie's, Kuching

We went to Porkie's with great anticipation. Wife's collegues were talking about it. Aunties were drooling over it. The place is located at Jalan Song, behind One Jaya, The Lifestyle Mall.

It was drizzling when we were reaching the restaurant at around 5.30 pm. The signboard "PORKIE'S" is bright and huge. Not easy to be missed. Being tired turning the house upside down, Son slept while we walked around the place and placed our orders.

There are open air spaces and air-conditioned place. We chose the alfresco place. The air-conditioned space was filled with smoke smell. Not family friendly. But we found out later that there is indeed another air-conditioned space, adjacent to the smoky one.

Drinks selection mostly consists of beers and alcoholic beverages. The price are high starting with RM2.00 for a glass of drinking water. Not RM0.50 meh?

Never mind. The highlight of the day that everyone is talking about. BBQ Pork rib. We ordered mixed meat of sort at around RM30. Which comes with husk corn, fries, BBQ chicken, mutton and pork rib.

Corn was tasty. Nice
Chicken meat was quite nice.
Mutton was as expected. Nice. I hadn't tasted bad tasting mutton before though.

BBQ PORK RIB. A LET DOWN! It all about.. rib bones. Hardly any meat and it tasted dry. Bland dry. Give me char siew meat anywhere in Kuching and it'll taste better. I remember seeing the word "juicy" to describe the BBQ Pork rib.

We ordered spaghetti as well which is, sadly, below par. Too dry. And we'll among the early birds to try the food.

We spent about RM50 for the meal. Definitely not a family place with beer bottles lining at every corners of Porkie's.

Rating should be around 5/10 at best.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Seems easy? Of course it's not!

Being a stay-at-home dad gives me a glimpse of everyday lives of stay at home parents.A friend of mine asked me about the kinds of activites done at home.

Well, while Government staff are having their breakfast (erhm.. it's 8.30 am), while private sector employees are busy finishing their tasks, while students are learning new lessons in school, I was doing house chores.

Disclaimer: I'm not a good Dad. I'm doing the necessary tasks at home. Just the routine.

8.10am - After sending Wife and Son to their workplaces, I reached home. Thawing meat is the first business of the day. But I do prefer to buy fresh meat near our place. Pork ribs for soup, minced meat to stuff bittergourd or cook meat porridge and such.. But Wife prefer to buy fresh fish and prawn on Saturday morning in Satok market.

Thawing fish
 8.30am - Breakfast time while waiting for the washing machine to finish its job. Cleaned last night's dishes. (See.. I procrastinated a lot). Washed some vegetables. Dinner at home is a simple one. Soup, vegetable dish and some protein.

Oily stains
9.15am - Housewife can finish many chores by now. But I admit I terribly slow. Putting laundry to dry easily took me 15 minutes which should be done in 5 minutes.

Laundry to be dried
 House is always messy. Toys, Lego blocks, plastic cups, all sort of mess, an aftermath after Son's invasion.

Pieces of toys to be cleared away
10 am - Short rest with TV on. Getting ready to cook the dishes. Cooking a simple vegetable dish easily set me back 25 minutes including the mess cleaning time.

11 am - It's getting hot. Sun is rising. Bottle which I hadn't wash.

Bottle to be washed
 Dusty fan which was calling for my time.

Dusty fan to be cleaned

Did I mention I forgot to wash the rice cooker? Cook rice? Another 10 minutes. Boil water? Another 5 minutes. Sweep the floor? Another 10 minutes. Throw rubbish? Another 5 minutes.

Dishes to be washed
 Wait. Did you smell something? I did switch off the fire. Or didn't I?