Saturday, July 3, 2010

Being a Father (Part 1)

Seeing my baby coming out from his mother's womb is God's gift. He lets me experience the joy of being a father, who will guide the boy to His path. My wife is currently outstation. So, I'm taking the roles of two parents. My parents chip in to help with some chores too.
Let us see my usual Saturdays:

Baby slept at around 11.30pm to 12.30am previous Friday nights.

Around 2am to 3am
Baby cries because he wants his milk. I pour the room temperature water into his bottle and some hot water. Close the bottle with its cap and pour some of the water onto my palm.

Optional(pour some water into my mouth to test the water temperature. It takes many tongue scalding episodes to master the skill). Then, I put towel over the baby's neck. Feed him. Wipe away any excess milk that flowed out with a damp towel. Nasib no need to burp him nowadays because he can burp himself. Kiss him goodnight.

Around 5am to 6am
Repeat the whole process.

7.30am to 8am
Baby wakes up. He'll give me a smile that will break even the coldest heart on Earth. I smile back and play with him for 30 minutes.

8.30am to 9am
Most of the mornings, the first task will be cleaning his butt's mess. I need to get the warm water ready for his morning bath. And the same time, looking over him, in case he puts anything strange (an insect maybe) into his mouth.

Mandi time.

I will have the baby dried, oiled, talcumed, clothed and ready for his next feed. I'll put the baby's clothes into washing machine to wash. I get the milk ready, feed my boy and cleaned any excess milk around the mouth. By now, baby will cry, wanting to sleep. I put him into his swing to sleep.

Taken from Kampung Boy by Datuk Mohammad Nor Khalid a.k.a. Lat

Time now is 11.15am. I need to get the milk ready. Else the whole block will be able to hear his cries

End of Part 1. Stay tuned

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