8.01 a.m. After morning bath, he was sucking milk while lying down on the couch. That’s 4 ounces of goodness into his stomach
8.10 a.m. He had gulped down, literally, 4 grapes
8.25 a.m. Another 4 grapes
8.45 a.m. As part of his potty training, he had to use his potty seat
It's a cheap Made-in-China potty seat
8.52 a.m. Persistent uh-huh won him another 4 grapes
9.05 a.m. Another 4 grapes
9.09 a.m. Shee-shee time
9.10 a.m. He asked for a pencil by pointing repeatedly at one. I gave him a piece of paper as well.
His Masterpiece
9.26 a.m. I tried hard to get him to say 'donkey'. "Don.. Don" he said. No luck to get him to say it whole today.
His current vocabulary?
Dog, Bear, Bird, Duck, Meow, Ball, Mummy, Dada, Ah Ma, Apple, Nen nen (Milk), Po po (Pick me up), Papaya
9.34 a.m. Another 3 grapes
9.40 a.m. "Ah Bea Yee Dao" he screamed. A lot of babbling that even the toddlers next door understood none of them. We played Peek-a-boo. His laughs were infectious.
9.46 a.m. We watched BabyTV on AStro's Channel 618. He ate another 2 grapes.
9.50 a.m. Ride on his tricycle.
9.54 a.m. He tried to stack up his toy blocks.
Maybe Lego is not his cup of tea
9.56 a.m. The song on the TV channe caught his attention. He was dancing along.
9.58 a.m. He asked to be carried around in my arms.
10.00 a.m. "Baby! Baby!" He enjoyed seeing another baby's face on TV.
10.05 a.m. Finished 4 ounces of Ribena drink.
10.08 a.m. Tried to get him to pee into the potty but he refused.
10.09 a.m. The boy was given 2 strokes of rattan for peeing in his pants.
10.19 a.m. My son took his morning nap.
haha.. his masterpiece.. nice one :P