I had lost at least 3 kilogrammes since I moved to my new job. In just 4 months. And I attempted to calculate my BMI. It is currently 22.9 which puts me under the Normal category. Correct me if I'm wrong. My weight is 64 kg and my height is 167 cm. I'm aiming for the Big 0 (60 kg). There's was a joke saying every Chinese man with a big belly in China is actually a Malaysian. And I'm in the category!
Yesterday's news irked me. A very high ranking official in Health Ministry was saying "We certainly have the 'Malaysia Boleh' quality when it comes to obesity" For the uninitiated, the said woman's BMI is way higher than mine. Can you spot her in the photo above?
Bagaikan ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan!
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