Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jacob's first haircut

Before haircut

Jacob had his first haircut earlier of the week. Like his Gogo, Gong Gong cut his hair.

I never asked my parents whether I had hair shaven before when I was a baby. But according to Wikipedia and Babycenter, Chinese babies are shaved to shed the 'birth hair', considered hair grown in the womb.

Jacob's hair is soft but less than Darrien's when he's at Jacob's current age.

After haircut

Well, being an example, Gogo just had to clean the floor after the haircut session.

Daddy, you're showing my neng neng to the world?

Jacob is baptized

With God's grace, Jacob was baptized by Father Justin, at the age of 44 days. His godfather is Mr. Frederick.

Holy water was poured over Jacob's forehead and white cloth was put over his body.

Peter said in Book of Acts

 "Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off–for all whom the Lord our God will call."

May St. Jacob of Nisibis watches over him and guides him through the Lord's path.

To celebrate the memorable occasion, Wife bought a nice 1.5kg cake from the Hot Cross Bun bakery.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Daddy says..

Look at the camera. Smile!

34-day old Jacob and 2 years 9 months Darrien

 Good boys. Now turn to your right and smile!

Good boys. Obedient boys. Daddy says turn to your left and smile.

Gogo Darrien, turn to your left!

No! We must have our own principles.

Alright then, boys. Look at me and show your most beautiful smiles.
